Yesterday, Mad commented about today's 3 mile walk, "I remember when that seemed like such a long way! Now it seems like nothing." Mad was with her dad tonight. She planned out her walk in conjunction with her 'needs.' Today, Mad 'needed' an eyeliner pencil. So she planned a walk to Walgreens. (Of COURSE she stopped for coffee at Starbucks on the way back!)
My plans for an early walk were waylaid for all sorts of legitimate reasons. As such, we were both walking around 6:00 p.m. We spent much of our walk on the phone with each other, walking together on opposite sides of town. Her school day was 'fine' thank you. She has a math test tomorrow. The test she took today was 'okay.' Oh, and apparently Stoffer's makes the best lasagna EVER! Odd, I thought I made the best lasagna ever. . .
Much of my walk I was on the phone with Mad. When she was 1 block from home, we hung up and I took some pictures.
This is the Minnesota Boat Club, located in the middle of the mighty Mississippi river just across from downtown St. Paul. I once was on a plane with a guy who was a rower. He insisted if I showed up at the club around 6:00 a.m. they'd let me tag along on a rowing excursion. I am dubious, but it occurs to me this would be an excellent cross training opportunity. We'll see. . .
Take a look at the logs stuck at the end of the island. Oh, and the boats in their slips - a sure sign of spring. K, is your boat amongst these? Or are you further down in the marina on the other side of the high bridge??
And speaking of the high bridge, here it is. This photo was taken from the Wabasha bridge, which I crossed twice on my training walk today. (I need to work on a more fluid 3 mile walk. I'm going to be doing a lot of those, so an interesting walk is a must!)
Also taken from the Wabasha bridge. The sun setting over downtown St. Paul. . .

As I was climbing the hill on the way back home, I turned back to appreciate my progress. The cathedral is in the background, looking all regal and cool in the sunset.

So I arrive back at the homestead, and it occurs to me that those crocuses on the blvd are NOT going to break through the two feet of leaves deposited on same said blvd just before the first snow by a neighbor's lawn boy last year. So I kick the leaves aside and discover 1. a water bottle; and 2. quite possibly the last hunk of ice in the city. Looking forward to more blossoms shortly.
Finally, to all of you who have rushed to donate, thank you. I am overwhelmed by your response.
I have also been quite touched by those of you who have sent personal emails, telling me how cancer has affected your life. I am sharing these emails with Mad. She and I are humbled by your support and your courage.
J, I had no idea. I am so sorry for your loss. Please tell your brother we will be thinking of him as we walk.
B, you are SO wise not to quibble with the Drs. I smirked at that comment. Just as smart alecky as ever - which is why we became friends in the first place, of course. I'd just like to point out if we had actually bought that house in Dayton with B and J, you'd have a nice retreat to go to with B and A. I'm just saying. . .
Much love.
If you'd like to donate in support of our walk, please go here:
Thank you for your support.
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