I actually had my sports bra over my head and one arm through the arm hole when I realized that Bubba, our oldest cat, heretofor referred to as 'Mr. Pissypants' had peed on same said sports bra. Yuck!! I'd put up a picture of Mr. Pissypants, but I believe in the presumption of innocence. Although neither of the younger boys would do such a thing!
I switched gears pretty quickly and Mad and I got into comfy workout clothes. I found a Kathy Smith 'Lifting weights for losing weight' disk. Not being sure which weights would be appropriate, I lined up all the weights I could find on the fainting couch in our living room. Picture below:
Mad and I started the video, and I had a vague recollection of doing it once before. Kathy Smith is FAR to perky for me. I kept my thoughts to myself. I had to do cross training, today. The weights were here. The video was in. I was committed. Needless to say, I was quite amused when Mad said, "I don't like this woman. She's too happy." Then Mad proceeded to imitate Ms. Smith: "Okay, now! Two more reps! You can do it!" Soon we were both mocking the 'whoo hooo!'s' and the 'Yeah!' outbursts.
At some point, Mad said, 'This is the longest 20 minutes of my LIFE.' Well, now. I had to disagree with that. So she modified, 'This is the most BORING 20 minutes of my life.' Personally, I enjoyed the mutual mockery with Mad a great deal. Kathy Smith, on the other hand, may have to go off to Goodwill.
Tomorrow, we have a shower for Liz, a 6 mile walk, and I'm writing my fundraising letter.
If you'd like to donate in support of our walk, please go here:
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Thank you for your support.
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