Friday, April 24, 2009

5 mile walk

On Thursday, Mad and I were scheduled to put in 5 miles. Sometimes Mad likes to do this right after school while I am still at work. Yesterday, though, she called to propose she would do her homework after school and we could walk together after dinner. Excellent plan!

For dinner, Mad had selected a recipe for an omelet with swiss chard and cheddar. It was FABULOUS!! I'm sure it will become a family favorite as we move into summer and the swiss chard season. . .

Fortified with protein and antioxidants, we set out on our walk.

First stop: the front yard, wherein last fall's freshly planted tulip bulbs are doing a transformation before our eyes. . .

I think I planted 100 tulip bulbs in the front, back, and side yards, so you may expect lots of these pics in the coming days and weeks. Yesterday at 6:30 it was still balmy warm. Not so much this weekend, it looks like, so the blooming may be delayed.

At the top of the high bridge, our attention was called to the collection of tents down on Harriet Island. I'm not sure exactly what's going on down there. Probably a festival of some sort this weekend. I'll keep y0u apprised. . .

At the bottom of the high bridge (and yes, for those of you who are wondering, there is a definite 'top' and 'bottom' of the high bridge) there is a giant chair. Mad climbed up and promptly disappeared!

After winding through lowertown and passed the Little Sisters of the Poor, Mad announced, "Elm Street! I hope we won't have a nightmare!" I'd actually never noticed it was Elm Street before. . .
This is the Alexander Ramsey house. I remember touring this house on a field trip when I was in the 4th grade. I believe our History Museum membership will allow us to tour it again. Mad was amenable so long as we could then cross the street to Forepaugh's and eat on the upstairs balcony. (No pic - the place was packed!)

Memo to all parents who wish their kids would talk to them more: Sign them up for the 3 day! As we walked through Irvine Park, Mad announced she 1. wanted to get married there; 2. decided it wasn't big enough; and 3. decided she'd have her wedding pics taken there. (I didn't know she was seeing anyone. . . LOL!)
I also learned about the injustice occurring in the science lab, what happened during the tornado drill, and what she is afraid of. Priceless, really.

We walked around the Excel Energy Center and saw all the people headed for the show at the Ordway. . .

As we passed the Saint Paul Hotel, Mad commented on the fabulous creme brule they serve. (We know this because the year she turned 14, we went there for the same said creme brule. . .) We agreed this could be a destination during another walk. Our destination for this walk was Starbucks.

Post Starbucks, I with my hot mocha, Mad with her iced mocha, we came across a wedding - Tony and Tina's Wedding, that is! Mad thinks this show would be great fun. We'll look into it. . .
We returned to the west side via the Robert Street Bridge. Much discussion was had about the bridge tender, and whether he resides in this house, or if this is just a fancy office. Also how creepy it would be to walk the narrow bridge to get to the house and how anxiety producing it would be to go up and down and up and down while trains and boats thundered below.

Trudging up Robert street, I felt compelled to document the fire engine on the billboard.

I think this library has super cool architecture.

I had not noticed the gargoyle on this house before. Mad and I giggled about how we would probably roll off the roof while trying to install something like this. We really enjoyed walking through the neighborhood, pointing out cool porches and pretty garden beds.

If you'd like to donate in support of our walk, please go here:
Thank you for your support.

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