I love this fountain. (again, image pilfered from the intraweb!) I think it's one of the prettiest in the city. This park is a couple of blocks long and is surrounded by cool old h0mes. Some of which, of course, have been converted to condos. . .
I made my way through downtown. You can see the tail end of downtown below:
This pic was taken on the Robert Street Bridge looking back into downtown. I came from downtown and across this bridge (which also spans the mighty Mississippi) to return home.
See the concrete arch on the bridge on the left side of the photo? Speaking of shared childhood memories, I can't tell you how many children, raised by Saint Paul-ites, grow up believing that THEIR father used to ride their bikes up and over those arches. The first time I heard this from the father of a friend, I was in awe. I've now been in Saint Paul over 20 years and I have never seen a kid even ATTEMPT this stunt. But I sure do have a lot of friends who's dads claim to have done it. Hhmmm. . .
I am a bit sore and achy tonight. Good thing I have months and months to train!
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