So today is a 'long walk' day. 6 miles. I put in the first 5 this morning. The last will be the walk back to my hotel.
I had a wake up call at 5:00 a.m. and another at 5:15 just to make sure I got out of bed.

As you can see, it was pretty dark at 5:30 a.m. Good thing I brought Mad's Camp Lincoln/Camp Lake Hubert sweatshirt! I took off at a brisk pace. The weather was what we in Minnesota call 'good sleeping weather' at the cabin. About 50 degrees.

Check out this tatoo shop. The sign in the window says, "No Regrets Tatoos." This got me thinking. Can you be assured you will have no regrets just by someone declaring it to be so? Hmmm. I think this is an excellent approach to life. I hereby declare, "Life. No Regrets." So there.

Arizona has some interesting plants. I thought this flowering bush was especially pretty.

I was about 1.25 miles into my walk when I saw the Dunkin' Donuts shoppe. We don't have Dunkin' Donuts in Minnesota. Which is fine, mostly, except when I am out of Minnesota and see one. There was a Dunkin' Donuts in my hotel when I was in Melbourne. I had more doughnuts in Melbourne than I had in the previous 5 years.
Being it's my birthday and all, I decided I would get a doughnut on my way back.

I thought this store had an interesting combination of goods. You can buy a .44 Ruger AND a nice stem vase at the same time. Perhaps you could find pieces to replace those that have been lost in your grandmother's china set while you are shopping for a deer hunting rifle. . . (Do they have deer in Arizona? I don't know!)

This mountain is not far from my hotel. We don't have mountains in Minnesota, either. I took this photo right after I purchased 6 sugar coated jelly filled munchkins. Yummy.

Check this OUT!!! This is a clothing EXCHANGE store. Mad would LOVE this!! Seriously, Mad, are you sure you don't want to go to ASU?? You can actually bring your clothes to the store and trade them for other clothes. How cool is that??

All these oranges are growing on this tree. There were also some on the ground. I wanted to pick one and eat it. But I know it is a felony to pick avacodos in California (at least it was when my criminal law text was written) and I was no mood to be arrested. Duh. Kind of cool, though.
Finally, I'd like to give a shout out to our helpful walking guide from Tuesday. Mad had asked SL about this idea that she should have 2 pairs of shoes for the 3 day. I had scoffed at that when she brought it up with me. SL, however, advocates 2 pairs of shoes. She offered her own experience last year, when she got a blister the first day of the 3 day. Having an alternate pair of shoes allowed her to have covered feet, but NOT have that shoe rubbing on the blister all the next 2 days.
Yesterday, I incurred a blister with my navy heels. I am SO glad I threw the red heels into my suitcase at the last minute! I couldn't bear wearing the blue again today.
With that, Mad and I will each have 2 pair of shoes for the three day!
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