First, in order to gear up, we nourished our bodies with the requisite electrolyte filled Jelly Belly jelly beans and G2. And may I just say that whomever figured out how to make jelly beans 'good for you' has my eternal gratitude!
Naturally, we had to document the beginning of our walk. This is just across the street from the Seminary at St. Thomas. (At least it used to be the sem back when I was in college 20 years ago. . . )
This is still on the Saint Paul side of the river. There were a couple of kids climbing down the rocks to the shoreline. Naturally, I felt compelled to caution Mad against such dangerous behavior. Ford Parkway Bridge to Mad's right.
This is a view to the north, (I KNOW!!! I always say 'I'm a girl, I don't know north and south! but if I'm in Highland Park, I can 'do' north and south!) from the Ford Parkway Bridge looking up at the Marshall Avenue Bridge - our pathway back to the car. On the right side of the bridge and down just a bit to the south is the falls. Of course I had to tell the story of the time, before she was born, when a boat disregarded all warnings and went barrelling over the falls before they knew the falls were there. Paulson was at our house, and the sirens seemed to go on forever. The story ended with, "Turns out I think Daddy and Paulson knew them." To which Mad responded, "Yeah, but they know everyone!" True enough.
Once across the bridge, we did not turn immediately to the right to walk up that side of the mighty Mississippi. Instead, we went in search of an ice cream treat. On the way, we encountered a peep abandoned on the sidewalk. What a shame!
Mad got the Strawberry shortcake blizzard. That yummy looking chocolate sundae with pecans and whipped cream is mine all mine!! We spent about 15 minutes chilaxing and eating ice cream.
Back on the walk on the Minneapolis side, the trai is somewhat isolated. It's also still really brown and drab. Mad and I talked about all sorts of things - like the time in 3rd grade when she faked being sick so she could go home. (I didn't catch that at the time, although there have been other times over the years I have suspected same. I wisely held my tongue about that. . .)

Towards the end of the bridge, we could look over at this grafitti covered water outlet. Mad's comment? "That is a very busy muralist." If I'd had any water left, I would have snorted it through my nose at that. Funny kid.

A view of the Minneapolis skyline, from across the river.
Here's a 'close up' of the Ford Parkway bridge. Note 740 on the left, for those of you familiar with 'the Village.'
This is the 'non-close up' view. Mad asked around this time, if you died on the bridge, would your death certificate say Minneapolis or Saint Paul. I thought it would depend on where, on the bridge, you were. Having spent all her life with a defense attorney, she continued her cross exam. "What if you were standing in the exact middle of the bridge?" This is when it's really helpful to acknowledge that the law is a vast and wonderous topic and I don't practice that kind of law.
Towards the end of the bridge, we could look over at this grafitti covered water outlet. Mad's comment? "That is a very busy muralist." If I'd had any water left, I would have snorted it through my nose at that. Funny kid.
A heart shaped land locked pool of water. Mad thought it was cool. So naturally, it got documented. . .
I believe this is just before mile 19 - aka 'the wall' - of the Twin Cities Marathon. And speaking of marathons, Mad has decided that we will run the New York marathon her first year of college. Bring it!
A view of the Minneapolis skyline, from across the river.
Pics from today's 6 mile walk wil be posted tomorrow.
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