Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Short walk

I don't have any pictures of today's walk. Mad walked home from school to get her 3 miles in (of COURSE she stopped at Starbucks on the way!). I got mine in by walking to the Post Office to mail a personal thank you card to MT, who is the latest to donate to our goal.

Mad and I are discussing various cross training options. She is lobbying for swimming. I am not exactly what you'd call a 'strong swimmer.' In fact, I don't think I am even what you'd call a 'swimmer.' I can tread water. Float on my back. Make general frog like movements through the water. It's just the idea of kicking my legs and moving my arms like windmills and turning my head and turning it back and remembering when to breathe in and when to breathe out is really more than I can handle. That is far too much physical multitasking for me to be expected to handle. Mad insists she can teach me. I am dubious. Not that I doubt her skill, mind you. It's mine I doubt.

I took remedial gym. I am not making that up. Me and Mr. Weber, together in the gym, with an 8 year old me arguing that it was unlikely I would ever run ANYWHERE in my lifetime, but surely if the need arose, I wouldn't be running BACKWARDS so what was the point? I can still hear Mr. Weber sighing heavily. I am sure the week he tried to teach me the crab walk was one of the worst in his career. . .

Happily, I can walk just fine, thank you.

I received another email from a friend battling cancer today. I continue to be awed by the number of people affected by this illness.

If you'd like to donate in support of our walk, please go here:


Thank you for your support.

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