Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday - walking and walking

So Tuesday, Mad and I walked differently than usual. After work and school, we spent sometime with Mad's aunt and these two guys. . .

Meet Greg and Tom. We spent the better part of the afternoon with them.

We walked a bit on this path.

Here's a different picture of the path. . . More on this walk later!

Once home, I figured I needed to put in another 2 miles. Just as I was about to leave, E and I exchanged emails. Seems the fax I sent yesterday didn't arrive. In a rare show of good sense, I had actually taken the fax home with me, because it is a PowerPoint I am presenting on Friday.

Since we live close by, we agreed that I'd start walking up the Avenue and she'd drive down the Avenue and we'd meet and exchange. PP in hand, I started towards the Avenue. Now, I've never before thought of walking UP Smith. Smith, on the way DOWN, is the high bridge previously featured in these pages. UP is, in my mind, just a busy street with enough traffic to ruin a perfectly good opportunity for fresh air. That said, off I went, UP Smith.

I saw this taped to the door of a home. It says, "Winterized 10/21/2008. Please do not use!" I'm not entirely certain what that means, but I doubt that it's good.

There is a 're-use' store on Smith. I was amused to see this punching guy available. It is only now that it is occurring to me that I should have checked the price. . .


I took a pic of a house with a 'Welcome' sign in the garden and a 'Beware of Dog' sign on the door. The contrast struck me as very funny.


The guy who was in the driveway of this house was quite pleasant. Of course, if my tulips were this fabulous, I'd be quite pleasant as well. Aren't they pretty?

I trespassed on someone's lawn to obtain this pic of a flowering tree - I think it's a magnolia. . . (okay, technically, I didn't trespass in the criminal sense, in that no signs were posted and I wasn't told verbally - twice - to get OFF same said land. I did, however, trespass in spirit because it was such a pretty tree!)

I was kind of surprised, frankly, to see this industrial strength ashtray outside of a residence. I'd like to thank the good folks at Quitplan, the Quit Smoking Journals, and the makers of Wellbutrin for helping me quit - finally, well and truly quit. Truly a monkey off my back. And no, to those of you who are silently wondering, it has not escaped my notice that I smoked for 20 years, but D is the one who got cancer.

Two black cats, hanging out in someone's yard. I doubt my cats would be that docile. . .

Home again, I now have five, count them, FIVE tulips blooming. Whooo hooo!!!!
And finally, when I walked into the living room, I was amused to see Mr. Bailiff studying Mad's biology textbook. . .
If you'd like to donate in support of our walk, please go here:

Thank you for your support.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday stroll

Today, I got 3 miles in while doing the St. Paul Art Crawl. I LOVE the St. Paul Art Crawl.

We purchased something from Johnny and Stacie last spring. It represented a private conversation we were having at the time. We purchased something from Johnny and Stacie again this year. You can find them here: http://www.johnnyandstacie.com/

In the same building, Theresa Crushshon has a studio. I purchased a painting from her last year. And I am entirely willing to agree that this photo of the painting doesn't do the painting justice. . . This year we went to her studio just so I could tell her how much I STILL love that painting. It makes me smile every time I look at it.

Theresa not only was pleased to hear how much I love her art, she offered us a meal. She had just made red beans and rice, and some chicken and I don't mind telling you I enjoyed every bite - even though I had just had a hotdog from Romocky's! Tomorrow, she has assured us she will have cheesecake. We WILL be back!

And a word about Romocky's cheddar brats. . . Todd has been across the street from the Saint Paul Farmer's Market for SEVEN YEARS!! This year, lo and behold, the Saint Paul Farmer's Market has decided to add a hot dog vendor AND IT ISN'T TODD!!! I encourage you to boycott 'new guy' and further, I encourage you to buy your cheddar brats and hot dogs at Romocky's! Thank you.

*stepping off soap box now*

After the art crawl, Mad and I headed to Wisconsin to J and D's house. They were having a party/fundraiser for us. D hosted an 'Entertaining at Home' party. The distributor, Heidi, is DONATING a portion of the profits to Mad and I's walk! You can find her here:


should you find yourself in need of product. Please tell her how you found her. I know she'll be thrilled. . .

On the fundraising front, while Mad is catching up, she is still 'behind' so I continue to just link to her page for now. . .We have plenty of time to raise our funds before the walk in August.

If you'd like to donate in support of our walk, please go here:


Thank you for your support.

Friday, April 24, 2009

5 mile walk

On Thursday, Mad and I were scheduled to put in 5 miles. Sometimes Mad likes to do this right after school while I am still at work. Yesterday, though, she called to propose she would do her homework after school and we could walk together after dinner. Excellent plan!

For dinner, Mad had selected a recipe for an omelet with swiss chard and cheddar. It was FABULOUS!! I'm sure it will become a family favorite as we move into summer and the swiss chard season. . .

Fortified with protein and antioxidants, we set out on our walk.

First stop: the front yard, wherein last fall's freshly planted tulip bulbs are doing a transformation before our eyes. . .

I think I planted 100 tulip bulbs in the front, back, and side yards, so you may expect lots of these pics in the coming days and weeks. Yesterday at 6:30 it was still balmy warm. Not so much this weekend, it looks like, so the blooming may be delayed.

At the top of the high bridge, our attention was called to the collection of tents down on Harriet Island. I'm not sure exactly what's going on down there. Probably a festival of some sort this weekend. I'll keep y0u apprised. . .

At the bottom of the high bridge (and yes, for those of you who are wondering, there is a definite 'top' and 'bottom' of the high bridge) there is a giant chair. Mad climbed up and promptly disappeared!

After winding through lowertown and passed the Little Sisters of the Poor, Mad announced, "Elm Street! I hope we won't have a nightmare!" I'd actually never noticed it was Elm Street before. . .
This is the Alexander Ramsey house. I remember touring this house on a field trip when I was in the 4th grade. I believe our History Museum membership will allow us to tour it again. Mad was amenable so long as we could then cross the street to Forepaugh's and eat on the upstairs balcony. (No pic - the place was packed!)

Memo to all parents who wish their kids would talk to them more: Sign them up for the 3 day! As we walked through Irvine Park, Mad announced she 1. wanted to get married there; 2. decided it wasn't big enough; and 3. decided she'd have her wedding pics taken there. (I didn't know she was seeing anyone. . . LOL!)
I also learned about the injustice occurring in the science lab, what happened during the tornado drill, and what she is afraid of. Priceless, really.

We walked around the Excel Energy Center and saw all the people headed for the show at the Ordway. . .

As we passed the Saint Paul Hotel, Mad commented on the fabulous creme brule they serve. (We know this because the year she turned 14, we went there for the same said creme brule. . .) We agreed this could be a destination during another walk. Our destination for this walk was Starbucks.

Post Starbucks, I with my hot mocha, Mad with her iced mocha, we came across a wedding - Tony and Tina's Wedding, that is! Mad thinks this show would be great fun. We'll look into it. . .
We returned to the west side via the Robert Street Bridge. Much discussion was had about the bridge tender, and whether he resides in this house, or if this is just a fancy office. Also how creepy it would be to walk the narrow bridge to get to the house and how anxiety producing it would be to go up and down and up and down while trains and boats thundered below.

Trudging up Robert street, I felt compelled to document the fire engine on the billboard.

I think this library has super cool architecture.

I had not noticed the gargoyle on this house before. Mad and I giggled about how we would probably roll off the roof while trying to install something like this. We really enjoyed walking through the neighborhood, pointing out cool porches and pretty garden beds.

If you'd like to donate in support of our walk, please go here:
Thank you for your support.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

15 minutes of cross training

So yesterday was another 15 minute day.

How much do I LOVE Rodney Yee? AM Yoga rocks!!

Here's my question: Can I do that EVERY morning? Even days I walk? Because his treatment of my hamstrings is absolutely divine. If anyone has any thoughts, please email me. Thank you.

On another note, Mad and I have a 5 mile walk today. Not sure yet where we are going to do that, but you may rest assured pictures will accompany an entry regarding same. Today it is going to be in the lower '80's. (Finally, warm weather!) I look forward to a nice evening stroll - perhaps through downtown. There is a Starbucks on 5th street. Hmmmm. . .

Mad is having a great time on line, designing various versions of 3 day shirts for us to wear. She is also, much to my amusement, scoffing at our 'easy' weekend walk this week. 4 miles on Saturday, and 3 (only 3!) on Sunday. I'm thinking we may have to cross the river and check out Lake Calhoun. . .

If you'd like to donate in support of our walk, please go here:


Thank you for your support.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Short walk

I don't have any pictures of today's walk. Mad walked home from school to get her 3 miles in (of COURSE she stopped at Starbucks on the way!). I got mine in by walking to the Post Office to mail a personal thank you card to MT, who is the latest to donate to our goal.

Mad and I are discussing various cross training options. She is lobbying for swimming. I am not exactly what you'd call a 'strong swimmer.' In fact, I don't think I am even what you'd call a 'swimmer.' I can tread water. Float on my back. Make general frog like movements through the water. It's just the idea of kicking my legs and moving my arms like windmills and turning my head and turning it back and remembering when to breathe in and when to breathe out is really more than I can handle. That is far too much physical multitasking for me to be expected to handle. Mad insists she can teach me. I am dubious. Not that I doubt her skill, mind you. It's mine I doubt.

I took remedial gym. I am not making that up. Me and Mr. Weber, together in the gym, with an 8 year old me arguing that it was unlikely I would ever run ANYWHERE in my lifetime, but surely if the need arose, I wouldn't be running BACKWARDS so what was the point? I can still hear Mr. Weber sighing heavily. I am sure the week he tried to teach me the crab walk was one of the worst in his career. . .

Happily, I can walk just fine, thank you.

I received another email from a friend battling cancer today. I continue to be awed by the number of people affected by this illness.

If you'd like to donate in support of our walk, please go here:


Thank you for your support.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sunday walk

On Sunday, we needed to get 6 miles in. It was also the day of the '7th Annual Race for Justice.' We decided to incorporate this 5K into our milage for the day. A couple of reasons for this: 1. Mad thought it would be fun to participate in a 5K; and 2. It was for a good cause.

I'm not sure how much it advanced 'justice' but it did raise money for LRAP, the Loan Repayment Assistance Program, which assists lawyers in paying back their student loans if they take low paying public sector jobs. I was the recipient of such assistance, back when I was making $30,600 as a baby lawyer in the public defender's office.

Before the event, I made Mad these delicious waffles with berries, whipped cream, and syrup. Of course I had to document such a pretty breakfast!

The race started at Nicollet Island. Because we hadn't pre-registered, and because we had extra milage to put in, we arrived early. Also, Mad really wanted a shirt, and those weren't assured for the race day registrants. It was only 'while supplies last.' We scored our shirts, got our numbers, and then set off for a 2.4 mile 'pre-walk.'

Mad found this goose to be quite amusing.

Here we are walking under the Hennipen Avenue bridge. We set off without really knowing where we were going. We just knew we had miles to get in.

Soon we came across De La Salle high school. Pretty, isn't it?

The road curved around in a loop. We came across this series of 'Peace flags.' It was a cold and rainy walk.

The road continued to curve around and it became obvious we were going to end up right back where we started. Here's the football field for the high school. Conveniently, the loop was about a mile. Unbeknownst to us, it was also the first leg of the race, so we walked it 3 times!

After our first two loops, we returned to the car and put our numbers on. It was cold and rainy off and on. I was worried about whether Mad was warm enough and offered to rummage around in my golf bag, searching for another sweatshirt. Mad dismissed this notion out of hand. It wouldn't match her outfit she was quite sure. She also expressed concern that I didn't match at all. True. I hadn't given a THOUGHT to what I was wearing beyond wearing something that would keep me warm and dry. I am obviously slipping. . . Must work on that!

I put the camera away before the actual race. Mad was quite strict about using her Garmin to keep us on pace. 15 minute miles or less is her goal. We finished the 5K in 45 minutes, so yeah, us! A far cry from our meandering walk the day before.

I can't tell you how exhausted Mad and I both were yesterday afternoon. If we were walking the 3 day right now, I'd have to skip the 3rd day. Good thing we still have months to train.

I am REALLY enjoying our day of rest!

f you'd like to donate in support of our walk, please go here:


Thank you for your support

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The first really long walk

Yesterday, Mad and I prepared for a 7 mile walk. Those of you familiar with the Minneapolis/St. Paul connection may be aware of the path that goes on both sides of the river, connected by the Marshall Ave. Bridge (that would be the Lake Street Bridge, for those of you on the other side of the river!) and the Ford Parkway Bridge (which I believe you Minneapolis folks would call the Minnehaha Bridge, but I'm not sure). Of course, that loop is a mere 6 miles, so after giving it some thought, I came up with an acceptable side trip while doing the loop. More on that later.

First, in order to gear up, we nourished our bodies with the requisite electrolyte filled Jelly Belly jelly beans and G2. And may I just say that whomever figured out how to make jelly beans 'good for you' has my eternal gratitude!

Naturally, we had to document the beginning of our walk. This is just across the street from the Seminary at St. Thomas. (At least it used to be the sem back when I was in college 20 years ago. . . )

This is still on the Saint Paul side of the river. There were a couple of kids climbing down the rocks to the shoreline. Naturally, I felt compelled to caution Mad against such dangerous behavior. Ford Parkway Bridge to Mad's right.

This is a view to the north, (I KNOW!!! I always say 'I'm a girl, I don't know north and south! but if I'm in Highland Park, I can 'do' north and south!) from the Ford Parkway Bridge looking up at the Marshall Avenue Bridge - our pathway back to the car. On the right side of the bridge and down just a bit to the south is the falls. Of course I had to tell the story of the time, before she was born, when a boat disregarded all warnings and went barrelling over the falls before they knew the falls were there. Paulson was at our house, and the sirens seemed to go on forever. The story ended with, "Turns out I think Daddy and Paulson knew them." To which Mad responded, "Yeah, but they know everyone!" True enough.

Once across the bridge, we did not turn immediately to the right to walk up that side of the mighty Mississippi. Instead, we went in search of an ice cream treat. On the way, we encountered a peep abandoned on the sidewalk. What a shame!

Mad got the Strawberry shortcake blizzard. That yummy looking chocolate sundae with pecans and whipped cream is mine all mine!! We spent about 15 minutes chilaxing and eating ice cream.

Back on the walk on the Minneapolis side, the trai is somewhat isolated. It's also still really brown and drab. Mad and I talked about all sorts of things - like the time in 3rd grade when she faked being sick so she could go home. (I didn't catch that at the time, although there have been other times over the years I have suspected same. I wisely held my tongue about that. . .)

Here's a 'close up' of the Ford Parkway bridge. Note 740 on the left, for those of you familiar with 'the Village.'

This is the 'non-close up' view. Mad asked around this time, if you died on the bridge, would your death certificate say Minneapolis or Saint Paul. I thought it would depend on where, on the bridge, you were. Having spent all her life with a defense attorney, she continued her cross exam. "What if you were standing in the exact middle of the bridge?" This is when it's really helpful to acknowledge that the law is a vast and wonderous topic and I don't practice that kind of law.

Towards the end of the bridge, we could look over at this grafitti covered water outlet. Mad's comment? "That is a very busy muralist." If I'd had any water left, I would have snorted it through my nose at that. Funny kid.

A heart shaped land locked pool of water. Mad thought it was cool. So naturally, it got documented. . .

I believe this is just before mile 19 - aka 'the wall' - of the Twin Cities Marathon. And speaking of marathons, Mad has decided that we will run the New York marathon her first year of college. Bring it!

A view of the Minneapolis skyline, from across the river.

Pics from today's 6 mile walk wil be posted tomorrow.
If you'd like to donate in support of our walk, please go here:
Thank you for your support.