On Sunday, we needed to get 6 miles in. It was also the day of the '7th Annual Race for Justice.' We decided to incorporate this 5K into our milage for the day. A couple of reasons for this: 1. Mad thought it would be fun to participate in a 5K; and 2. It was for a good cause.
I'm not sure how much it advanced 'justice' but it did raise money for LRAP, the Loan Repayment Assistance Program, which assists lawyers in paying back their student loans if they take low paying public sector jobs. I was the recipient of such assistance, back when I was making $30,600 as a baby lawyer in the public defender's office.

Before the event, I made Mad these delicious waffles with berries, whipped cream, and syrup. Of course I had to document such a pretty breakfast!
The race started at Nicollet Island. Because we hadn't pre-registered, and because we had extra milage to put in, we arrived early. Also, Mad really wanted a shirt, and those weren't assured for the race day registrants. It was only 'while supplies last.' We scored our shirts, got our numbers, and then set off for a 2.4 mile 'pre-walk.'
Mad found this goose to be quite amusing.

Here we are walking under the Hennipen Avenue bridge. We set off without really knowing where we were going. We just knew we had miles to get in.
Soon we came across De La Salle high school. Pretty, isn't it?
The road curved around in a loop. We came across this series of 'Peace flags.' It was a cold and rainy walk.
The road continued to curve around and it became obvious we were going to end up right back where we started. Here's the football field for the high school. Conveniently, the loop was about a mile. Unbeknownst to us, it was also the first leg of the race, so we walked it 3 times!

After our first two loops, we returned to the car and put our numbers on. It was cold and rainy off and on. I was worried about whether Mad was warm enough and offered to rummage around in my golf bag, searching for another sweatshirt. Mad dismissed this notion out of hand. It wouldn't match her outfit she was quite sure. She also expressed concern that I didn't match at all. True. I hadn't given a THOUGHT to what I was wearing beyond wearing something that would keep me warm and dry. I am obviously slipping. . . Must work on that!
I put the camera away before the actual race. Mad was quite strict about using her Garmin to keep us on pace. 15 minute miles or less is her goal. We finished the 5K in 45 minutes, so yeah, us! A far cry from our meandering walk the day before.
I can't tell you how exhausted Mad and I both were yesterday afternoon. If we were walking the 3 day right now, I'd have to skip the 3rd day. Good thing we still have months to train.
I am REALLY enjoying our day of rest!
f you'd like to donate in support of our walk, please go here:
Thank you for your support