While Mr. J was willing to engage in SOME walking, he was not interested in 5 miles. A happy compromise - he'd go get some wine while I got a mile and a half in, then we'd walk the rest together, then make dinner. A fine plan.
My tulips are coming along nicely. . .
The vinca minor is also coming along. I can see I will need to do some weeding this weekend - I wonder if that counts as cross training?
There are far too many houses with this double notice on the door. This house in particular looks cute and cozy. I'll bet I saw a half dozen of these in the neighborhood during that first mile of the walk.
On a happier note, this guy's tulips are REALLY looking nice!
As I walked briskly through the west side, working on maintaining Mad's goal speed of 15 minute miles or less, I couldn't help but notice the steady stream of people headed towards St. Matt's. Then I remembered - Loaves and Fishes Thursdays at St. Matt's. I don't recall seeing that many people in previous years, but perhaps I've just got the financial downturn on my mind. . .
It was, as Winnie the Pooh would say, a blustery day yesterday. So blustery that Mr. J. and I couldn't bear the thought of walking head first into the wind all the way over the high bridge - thus, we turned towards Cherokee Park. This tree reminded me of a tree from the Wizard of Oz.

On the sidewalk for about 2 blocks were these sticky icky berries. Mr. J. thinks they are choke cherries. I have no idea - beyond the fact that I found them to be a general nuisance.
On the sidewalk for about 2 blocks were these sticky icky berries. Mr. J. thinks they are choke cherries. I have no idea - beyond the fact that I found them to be a general nuisance.
Another pretty flowering tree brought to you by the west side. You're welcome.
We looped around Cherokee Park and returned home. Turns out the prosciutto was GONE! (Apparently, I need to get some Alice in Wonderland DON'T EAT ME stickers. . . ) I am pleased to report bacon made a fine substitute.
The Cinco de Mayo celebration starts tonight. I believe our west side has the largest celebration in the nation. It's a favorite of mine. Mad and I have 8 miles to put in on Saturday. We will be working our walk around the parade. Of course there will be pictures.
If you'd like to donate in support of our walk, please go here:
Thank you for your support.
1 comment:
Christine - Thank you for sharing your walk with me. I especially needed to see the tulips today, and enjoy your sense of humor . . . and beauty. Love to you and Mad. Auntie Patty.
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