These are the last of the tulips. Mad asked if she could pinch one of the bleeding hearts. Of course! I think she was disappointed. . .
And these are the irises that I put in last year, courtesy of my sister Jo's neighbor Margo. I have no idea what color they will be. I am looking forward to the blooms.
This view of downtown, from the top of the high bridge, never gets old for me.
I was surprised to see how many rowers were out yesterday morning. I had an 11 mile walk on deck. I spent some time considering whether I'd enjoy rowing as cross training. See the boat to the far right? That would be where I'd likely end up. I decided no rowing for me!
Saint Paul's version of Stonehenge. . .
This is the old power plant. They are slowly tearing it down. S-L-O-W-L-Y. The fact that I think it would be fun to explore, by definition, makes it an attractive nuisance. I can't be the only one.
My walk had 2 purposes. 1. get in 11 miles. 2. Go to Run-N-Fun for a shoe workshop. The shoes I have been walking in are old and in need of replacement. I walked down 7th, debating the merits of a bacon egg and cheese biscuit. I opted not to indulge. Yesterday. Today, that may be my walking destination. I'm just saying. . . .
Ahh, the brewery. First, Schmidt's, then Pigs Eye. It's for sale. What a cool group of buildings to own.
This place used to be a restaurant called Phil's. That was about 20 years ago. I know Phil's because it was one of the few restaurants open past bar time, which was important, because I worked in a bar when I was in college. After the bar closed, we'd go have a meal - either here, or the Mad Mexican, or Market Barbecue. Good times.

Here is Run N Fun! A fine footwear establishment. The help here are first rate. Yesterday, they did a shoe clinic for the 3 day. I arrived late! Thus, I missed the speech in its entirety.
I wore my new shoes out of the store. And for the balance of my walk. Which was another 8 miles. I didn't realize the Run N Fun store was so close to my house.
I walked back down 7th into downtown. Resisted the urge to stop at Dairy Queen. Back when I was pregnant with Mad, her dad and I used to go to this Dairy Queen, which has a drive thru, and was open in the winter. He'd get a blizzard, and I'd get a chocolate sundae with whipped cream and pecans. Still my favorite. I suppose it is no wonder 1. Mad loves ice cream; and 2. I gained 70 pounds when I was pregnant with her. . .
I went through downtown and back over the Robert Street bridge. I was surprised at the fishermen. . .
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