I shared the news with Mad. She has not met J and his wife J, but she has heard me speak of them both. We started the walk with J & J on our minds.
Today we had to get 8 miles in. About .5 miles into the walk, Mad asked if I would hold her eyeliner in my pocket, because she was worried she might drop it. Of course, I had to ask, "Why on earth did you bring eyeliner on our walk." Her response? "In case I feel the need to reapply it - I'll have it with me." Good point.
At the bottom of the High Bridge is a rock sculpture enclosed with wire. I'm not sure this is the best idea. Note I did not ask Mad to stand underneath the point of the rocks. . .
The fountain in Irving Park is still not stocked with water. . .
This sidewalk leads to the backside of the science museum. Mad and I walked on opposite sides of the circle a la a Broadway show, which struck us both as quite funny.
On the far side, she asked me if I'd ever heard 'The College Song.' Umm, no. No I hadn't. She offered one of her IPOD ear buds to me and we walked together, connected via the IPOD, and listened to 'The College Song.' Within about 12 seconds I was resisting the urge to remove the aforementioned earbud and deliver a stern lecture informing her that her father and I had no intention of sending her off to college to get high all day and have drunken sex with random strangers every night.
Fortunately, my little friend, common sense, was quick to remind me that Mad already knows that. And that she's a good kid. And that it's just a song. . .And reminded myself of the songs I was exposed to in high school, and how they didn't cause me to have sex with some guy because he needed 'more than words' and that I didn't 'fight! for my right! to paaaaarrrrttaaaaayyyyyyyy' just because I liked that song. Instead, I just enjoyed walking with her, listening to a silly song.
These are the back steps of the science museum. We walked up them in lockstep, as the band chanted, 'Chug, chug, chug, chug. . .' I bit my lip and silently offered a prayer to the powers that be that Mad please survive the rest of teen hood and the reckless college years safe and unscathed. Reminded myself of our conversation the night before, wherein her biggest worry was her biology grade.

Here we are half way up the stairs of the science museum, pretending we REALLY want to take a picture. I just wanted to catch my breath!

If you want to see tricked out bicycles, Cinco de Mayo is the place to be.

See Bounce. I'd like to also give a shout out to Abbott Paint and Carpet, the Bouncing Team's sponsor. Steve Abbott's been a friend of Mad's dad since high school. In addition to being a really great guy, he knows his business. Should you find yourself in need, I highly recommend them.

I believe it is because of Minnesota's lawsuit against 'big tobacco' that QuitPlan exists. When I saw them, I was reminded again of how very grateful I am that I don't smoke any more. As much as I loved smoking (and believe me, I REALLY loved smoking) I am quite content to be a FORMER drag queen.

In addition to the parade, there are tons of vendors selling various goods. Mad requested I document this 'Diego' necklace.

This is just cool.
Here we are half way up the stairs of the science museum, pretending we REALLY want to take a picture. I just wanted to catch my breath!
These guys are in the parade every year. They dance as well as march. . .
They have these things that are vaguely reminiscent of walnuts strapped to their ankles which rattle when they move. It adds to the dancing. This year is the first year that I recall someone lighting incense and burning it in conjunction with these dancers. The smell reminded me of my childhood in the Catholic church.
If you want to see tricked out bicycles, Cinco de Mayo is the place to be.
The city of Saint Paul has a Bouncing Team. Does every city have one? I don't know. Basically, it's a bunch of guys carrying a blanket, and a girl bounces up and down on it. By the time I was aware of this super fun looking 'team' I was too old to join it. . .
See Bounce. I'd like to also give a shout out to Abbott Paint and Carpet, the Bouncing Team's sponsor. Steve Abbott's been a friend of Mad's dad since high school. In addition to being a really great guy, he knows his business. Should you find yourself in need, I highly recommend them.
I believe it is because of Minnesota's lawsuit against 'big tobacco' that QuitPlan exists. When I saw them, I was reminded again of how very grateful I am that I don't smoke any more. As much as I loved smoking (and believe me, I REALLY loved smoking) I am quite content to be a FORMER drag queen.
In addition to the parade, there are tons of vendors selling various goods. Mad requested I document this 'Diego' necklace.
This is just cool.
When I was in about the 6th grade, my mom enrolled my sisters and I in a drill team in Rockford, MN. It was NOTHING like this drill team. These kids look like they have WAY more fun!

I did not get the name of the fraternity from the U of M. That said, they seemed to be having a great deal of fun line dancing in the street at 10:30 a.m. A nice antidote to 'The College Song.'
The line dance repeated, and I suggested Mad and I copy the moves a la 'Bring it on, All or Nothing.' Curiously, Mad rejected that notion. . . Bah ha ha ha ha!!!!!!
WHOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO!!! The State Fair is coming! The State Fair is coming!!! Yeah!
Mad and I actually checked the schedule for the 3 day to make sure it didn't overlap with the state fair. Mercifully, Labor Day is quite late this year. The timing of the beginning of the state fair is, of course, linked to Labor Day. So we walk. Then rest. Then go to the fair. For all 12 days, of course!
Last fall I planted about 250 bulbs. Why on earth I felt to plant this tulip solo is beyond me. It sure is pretty though.
And CHECK these out! They just get prettier and prettier every day. The ones in the back haven't bloomed yet, but they're going to soon. . .
This Bleeding Heart belongs to a neighbor of mine. Mine haven't bloomed yet. Mad, however, is delighted that we HAVE Bleeding Hearts. "I can't wait to pop them," she said this morning. I must tell you, she comes by it honestly. When my sister M and I were kids, we popped the Bleeding Hearts, too. And then denied, denied, denied same when confronted by our mom. What? Like we were going to admit THAT!
Thank you for your support.
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