Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A sad morning

Yesterday, I learned a friend of mine is one of the 1 in 8 women who get breast cancer. Which, of course, is 'not fair.' What makes it more 'not fair' is that she was one of the 1 in 8 ten years ago - with a different form of breast cancer. Which, of course, is REALLY 'not fair.'

This morning, as I lay in my bed, Mr. Bailiff curled up at my feet, Diego and Bubba also on the bed, I thought about how life can throw curve balls to just about anyone. Thought about all those years I smoked. Thought about how helpless I felt to help my friend. Wondered if Macaroni and cheese with bacon freezes well. Wondered if hers was the kind of cancer that fed on starches, thus, should I leave potatoes out of the soup?

I'm not particularly fond of feeling helpless.

This morning at six, I got up and went for a training walk. It's all I can do. Oh, and I'm going to schedule that mamogram today. (Am I the only one who is SURE that just as my breast is as flat as it can possibly be, as I'm nestled up next to that big machine with that hospital gown half off, that the fire alarm is going to go off, or the power is going to go out, and I'll be locked in that damn thing for hours!! Surely I'm not the only one. . . )

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