Friday, August 21, 2009

Day One

Yesterday we went to Target and stocked up on medical supplies, water bottles, and a new back pack to carry it all in. We are now officially set on gauze, tape, band aids, sunscreen, and advil, should you find yourself in need.

Last night, we carefully packed the backpack. (Mad's need for back pack order was satisfied by the multiple compartments in the back pack.) We planned our outfits and accessories (okay, Mad planned accessories, I just found my shoes!) and went to bed early.

We were up before the dawn, puttering around the house getting ready. We were on the road before 6 a.m. Mr. J played sherpa for us. For those of you who weren't up, it was raining. . .

Here's Mad at opening ceremonies. Note the rain coats all around. Mad was far too cool for that. I, on the other hand, proudly wore my $1.00 Raincoat on a Stick I got from Northern Tool last year at the fair. It's a great big yellow billowy thing that could cover an oldsmobile! I am sure Mad was mortified. Maybe THAT'S why she refused to speak with me for most of the walk. . .

Yesterday I called the 3 day people because I couldn't find something I needed on the web. While on the phone chatting about the rain, Nanette told me about this foot covering - take a gallon zip lock, cut a SMALL hole in the bottom, put your foot through the hole, then put your shoe on. It worked GREAT at keeping my shoes dry. (You can also see the aforementioned yellow raincoat on a stick here.) Mad was positively MORTIFIED. She kept insisting I take them off. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!???!! Walking 20 miles in wet shoes sounds horrid - and foolish. But then, Mad is 15, and I am more than twice that (okay, okay, almost 3 times that - leave me alone!) so my good sense took over and I left them on for the first 3 miles, until I was sure the rain had well and truly stopped. Mad was so annoyed she took to calling me 'mother.' When she spoke to me at all. . .

It took an hour to walk the first mile. This was due to a series of traffic lights and lots and lots of people.

Here is Mad at the Sculpture garden! This was just before lunch. We walked over the freeway and had lunch in Loring Park.

Here's Mad after lunch at the dandelion fountain. We also got a button that said, "Lick Cancer" on it from another mother daughter duo at this fountain.

Here we are at the 3rd pit stop. This is actually out of order as it was taken at Lake of the Isle, but I am too tired to move it.

Here's my Garmin, with 20.92 miles on it. What a day.

Ice cream to celebrate our finish. We finished at the head of the pack, as Mad has my 'lead dog' instinct (which I, by the way, was MORE than willing to ignore today!!) and insisted on 'catching' whomever was in front of us. Since we were in the middle of the pack at the start, there was ALWAYS someone in front of us.

Thank you for your kind words and support over the past months.


kris kolar said...

Go Christine! Conquer the world, or the race, or whatever!

Living Life In Minnesota said...

Way to go Former Drag Queen!! BTW I worked crew at Pit Stop 3 so it was awesome to see the pic!