Friday, September 05, 2008

The last night (yawn) of the RNC

On the last night of the convention, the news was reporting a demonstration at 12th and Cedar. Apparently, a group of protesters was at the capitol, and their permit expired at 5:00. The news was reporting their desire to march down to the Excel Energy Center to present their concerns directly to John McCain.

I've not been particularly political over the years, so I'm not entirely sure about this, but it would seem to me that this wouldn't really do a whole lot. . .

Scene 1: Protesters approach John McCain

"Mr. McCain! Mr. McCain! We don't think the American people should be fighting these wars!"
John McCain: hits forehead with palm of his hand.
"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I had no idea!! Thanks so much for telling me. We'll start withdrawing tomorrow - No - today!"

The news was reporting 4 or 5 people were sitting down in protest, refusing to leave a bridge, while the other couple hundred had retreated to the capitol grounds.

It was about 6:30 in the evening when I went out, searching for pictures of protesters, police force, anarchy, or whatever else I could find.

This lonely police officer was on Cedar and 7th.

The helicopter hovering above suggested we were, in fact, in the right area.

Of course I had to take a picture of this. The Daily Show was just getting out as we approached, adding to the crowd - or maybe creating the crowd.

The people behind the snowplow are the protesters. You can see a few way back on the lawn of the capitol.

Here's a close up of "behind the snowplow." Not much going on, as you can see.

Same bridge. Cops on both sides of the sidewalk. I did not ask if I could walk across. . .

The cop on the right was not happy that I took the picture. Not happy at ALL! (Thank you, Constitution and Bill of Rights.)

We started wandering down towards the Excel Energy Center, and came across another snow plow.

Here's another bridge to the capitol. Nothing to see, here! (Those 300 people you may have heard were arrested that night were on the next bridge over, where they were 1. detained and then later 2. arrested.)

Not much going on here. I did encounter a law enforcement officer in his MCF-LL uniform. (For the uninformed, that would be Minnesota Correctional Facility - Lino Lakes.) You might recognize this street. It is the one hundreds ran down two nights before, after having been subjected to tear gas.

We got the bright idea that we would walk down to the other side of the Excel. We saw these cops in riot gear walking the same direction we were. I got a little nervous, until I realized they were walking to St. Joseph's hospital to use the bathroom.

Here's the Dorothy Day Center. This is where homeless people go to eat. Some also lie about on the lawns around the Center on any given day - except during the convention.

I can't say for sure whether this discrete black netting was on the fence before the convention or not. The good news is, the Republicans don't have to see the homeless people on their way to and from the convention! You're welcome.

Isn't this a pretty picture of the cathedral? Made you look! Check out the cops. We came around a corner and were alarmed to see this line of cops. There was no one around but us. Ummmm. . . perhaps it is time to go.

Here's a broader view. Note the alarming absence of people between me and the wall of cops. I am given to understand that these officers were in line, awaiting the arrival of the aforementioned protesters. They never made it off the bridge.

As we were leaving the area in that oh, so casual, 'I'm not a protester - really!' sort of way, we came across this sign. It says, "This is a distraction." I wonder, is the 'this' referred to a reference to the convention? Is this a signal for the anarchists, that they should start a fake, mini-riot, while the real trouble makers were on the other side of town, staging the REAL, non-distraction riot?

A bigger pic. Did I mention there was positively NO ONE in downtown?

Back on track and headed to the Excel, we encountered demonstrators with signs.


My rule is, if you have a sign, I take a picture. I do not necessarily endorse any of these views.


Two National Guardsmen, in their cloaks of invisibility.

Seriously, they made a sign which allows for parking at Mickey's Diner. Now I am a big fan of Mickey's. I like their blueberry pancakes. Their All American breakfast is first rate. And Mary, behind the counter, is a hoot! But really, a sign for parking?

Hmmmm. . .
I haven't been to this site.

The bars on this side of town seem to be doing okay.

Cool pic of the Cathedral? Maybe. Creepy shot of cops in the skyway. Yep.

More cops in the skyway.

Lots of cops. . .

Take a look at the water and coffee available. . .

Who WOULD Jesus bomb? Good question.

Here we are at the park where MSNBC was shooting. On the other side of the park is the entrance to the RNC. When I took this picture, I was thinking, "Here's the American dream in action." Take a look at the guy in the yellow tie. After much debate, I have decided not to publicly ascribe thoughts to him. Those of you who know me well could probably guess what I'm thinking. . .

I thought they were selling this. It wasn't until I pulled the pictures that I realized it was FREE. Good lord!

That sign is SO funny!

Interesting demonstration.

Chris Matthews and Pat Buchanan - it appeared he was taking his glasses off when he was on screen.

This is a complicated sign!

Another shot of the boys from MSNBC.

Park security AND a protest sign in a single pic. Wow!

Take a look at the white sign. No to Barack Hussein Obama. Are we seriously vetting candidates based on their names? Shouldn't we be vetting candidates based on the names they choose for their children? Doesn't that make at least as much sense?

Boy am I glad for that sign! Gently I'd suggest that this message, which I believe is the First Commandment of Ten, applies to all christians. Ahem.

Like, maybe this person - WHO IS HOLDING THE SIGN!!!!!

Who is the 'you' referred to in this sign?

This sign says 'Clowns unavailable on Youtube.' Is this code for 'John McCain has left the hotel and is on the way to the Excel'? Is it code for 'Anarchists, meet at Macy's'? What?

The place for politics is also the place for Peppermint Patty to play football. That's Marcy over there on the bench.

On the other side of the park (which is a block long) we find MSNBC shining light on our library.

Complicated sign. The guy holding this sign also gave out literature on the subject.

Remember him? As you can see, he is quite close to the entrance and law enforcement isn't stopping him. He is saying, "In the interests of national security, please be prepared to remove your shoes. Please be prepared to be subjected to a full body cavity search."

Another sign, greeting the Republicans as they file in.

Am I the only one who thinks this guy looks like that character that showed up in the last chapters of Slaughterhouse 5?

These women are the 'missile dick chicks.'

This guy stood silent, holding his sign. Close up below:

I didn't see anyone stepping up to answer this question. I certainly couldn't. . .

You know, I can't imagine a circumstance wherein I would think it was a good idea to don paper mache on my head in public, but I am damn glad to be living in a country that will allow it.

Very friendly.

Button seller. Note the lack of people behind him. I hope he made enough money. . .
The appearance of a helicopter led us to believe there may be rioting/demonstrating elsewhere, so we left the park.

Remember this guy?

Check this out. This sign appears INSIDE the fenced perimiter.
Aztec dancers, advocating peace on the street corner.

The sight of this man almost made me weep for joy. There is nothing as good as a Romocky Cheddar Brat.

I usually see him on Saturdays at the St. Paul Farmer's Market. And there he was, on a Thursday night, grilling the most delicious brats around. I usually have one for breakfast on Saturdays, and now, the chance to have one for dinner. Yeah! We chatted for a while. A second helicopter showed up, prompting our departure.

This hotel is very close to the Excel. Good job, Texas.

Seriously, this is at about 8 p.m. on Thurdsay. No one in the streets.
No one.
Nope. Here's a third street, with no one in it!
This is the corner of Macy's. Lots of cops, not a single protester. My theory is that the true protesters were detained at the capitol, and those of us who would otherwise have joined the crowd to take pictures were dispersed throughout downtown.

All quiet at Mickey's.
The BCA - Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.
I have no idea why this strip club would think for one minute that any god fearing Republican would be REMOTELY interested in nearly naked ladies. . .

The truck was circling downtown Thursday night.

Back at the park.
F. Scott Fitzgerald.

The guy that held this sign above his head did so for a really long time.
Okay, I can't help myself. Isn't the answer dictated by the question? If the question is, 'what is raw spelled backwards?' then 'war' IS the answer. I'm just saying. . .

I believe these are secret service folks. Of course, if I told you WHY I think they are SS, I'd have to kill you. KIDDING!!

I support this sign 100%!

I'm sure it's a hybrid. The Republicans are driving hybrid Tahoes all over the city.

Headed home. Nothing to see, here.

Shot of the capitol, as I was curious. (I didn't know they were being arrested 2 bridges over. . . )
Another capitol shot.

We stopped at Alary's for a drink on the way home.

Possibly the best sign of the evening.

We made it home in time to catch McCain's speech.