Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A new way to cross train

Monday is typically the day of rest for 3 day training, but I am off schedule thanks to last week's rain. Which is just fine, because I had previously committed to a charity golf tournament that took place Monday.

I am not on the charity golf circuit, mind you. Mostly, I did it because my friend Caroline asked me to, and I don't see her nearly often enough. So, charity golf it was!

On the course, we came across this tree. The trunk would suggest the tree was dead, having been burned out presumably by lightning. The leaves, however, suggest otherwise.

We came across a turtle! I have not seen a turtle on the golf course before. . .

Caroline was happy to get on the ground to provide a scale for you.

We saw egrets. It really was a lovely day, although a bit cool.

And then, the monster of my childhood nightmares appeared - the snapping turtle! Caroline again provides perspective and scale. It is obvious to me that she did not read the same creepy story I did as a child, wherein the snapping turtle lay in wait to snap a child up! She seems to be unconcerned for the potential that this turtle might snap! her! UP!!!

If you'd like to donate to our walk, please go here:


Thank you for your support.

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