In recent weeks, Mad and I have been walking, but not walking together. It seems she cannot tolerate the way I walk. I am not kidding. It annoys her. What, exactly, annoys her, you ask? Why, everything! But especially the way my foot strikes the pavement. Drives her insane crazy.
I am pleased to report, however, that I am not the only one who can raise that child's ire. We were at the movies, waiting for the previews to start when she announced, "I can't stand the way that guy is chewing his popcorn!" "What guy?" I ask, oblivious. "That guy," she points to a guy three rows ahead of us and 6 seats to the right. I am not making that up. I didn't even realize he HAD popcorn.
There was nothing I could do about popcorn man. The same cannot be said to be true, however, about the two women who settled next to us a few chairs away in our same row. They arrived talking up a storm. Which is fine, as far as I'm concerned, until the lights go down. Michelle Obama says you shouldn't go to a movie on date night because you (and I'm quoting here) "can't talk during a movie." She said 'can't' people! Not 'shouldn't,' 'can't.' Duh. They even make an announcement about this before the previews. I can only assume the two women didn't hear the announcement over their incessant chatter. They kept talking and talking. The first
preview was for a movie that looked boring, so Mad and I tolerated the chatting. Then another preview came on that actually looked interesting. The chatting continued. I found this intolerable.
Channeling my inner southern woman, I got out of my seat and went down the aisle, to where the two women were STILL chatting. "Excuse me," I said in my best imitation of Miss Mellie from Gone with the Wind. Remember that scene where she's dying? And she asks Scarlett to 'look after Ashley'? How sincere and kind she was? That was me in the
Inver Grove Heights Theatre at the 5:00 o'clock show. "Are you ladies planning on talking through the whole movie?" I asked in a voice so sweet I hardly knew it was me talking! "Or just through the previews? Because if it's going to be through the whole movie, my daughter and I would be happy to move. . ." I don't know who was more stunned - them, or me! I was told quite sternly to "Sit. Down." Which I did. To the sweet sweet sounds of silence. There was not another peep out of either of them. Lovely.
Sunday, Mad agreed to walk with me, because she wanted me to buy her jeans at
Herberger's - a store about 5 miles away. Since we needed to do a 10 mile walk, this seemed to be a fine idea.

On our way to
Herberger's, we stopped for breakfast at the
Uptowner. Now, this is the first picture I took on this walk. That child can MOVE! She set the pace. We were walking 13:30 miles. Whew! Lucky for me, there was a red light or I probably wouldn't have caught this picture!

While we were waiting for our food, Mad decided the jelly needed to be organized by flavor. She does not get that from me!

Herberger's! We picked up a pair of skinny jeans for a song! After that, Mad went to her dad's house to hang out in the hot tub. (Note to self: check out hot tub prices. . . My calves could use one!)
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Thank you for your support.