Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Training Rain or Shine!

So when Mad and I signed up to do the 3 day, she found we could join others on 'training walks.' She decided we should sign up for one - so we did. Even though Mad is on spring break this week. She claimed she would gladly get up at the crack of dawn to drive to Lake Elmo to walk with a stranger. I don't mind telling you I was dubious.

This, of course, was before the weather forcast. I got up this morning to find it was 34 degrees. And raining.

But we had already RSVP'd and S.L. was waiting for us! So we dressed warmly and off we went.

This photo is indicative of how cold and dreary it was. The rain stopped just as we were starting out. . .

We walked a cautious mile, some of it into the wind, waiting to see what the weather would do. The rain continued to hold off, so we continuted our walk. Here's Mad, braced against the wind.

It was so cold, even the horses were wearing sweaters!

We had such a great time on our walk. Our host was a font of info about the 3 day walk, fundraising, training, taking care of ourselves. We will be heading out to Lake Elmo for another walk, I am sure. Thanks, SL!!

The rain held off until the very end. By the time we drove home, it had turned to snow.

If you'd like to donate in support of our walk, please go here:


or here:http://www.the3day.org/site/TR/Walk/TwinCitiesEvent?px=3237566&pg=personal&fr_id=1302

Thank you for your support.

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