It is with sadness that I report an incident which resulted in a computer meltdown at my house last week.
Diego expanded his
repertoire - for months now he has been content to lie on top of my computer monitor. On Sunday of last week, he curiously stretched his paw across to my computer box - the thing that holds all the working parts. I watched in slow motion as he sent the box tumbling off the desk! And that, my friends appears to be the death of my computer.
This loss naturally resulted in an end to the Funk Family Network, which allowed for others in the household to access the
intra-web. Including yours truly. I have been going nuts as my
Internet addiction has become crystal clear.
Mr. J. has created a stop gap measure which, for now, will do. As such, I am back on line and back to updating.

I set off for an 8 mile walk on Sunday. (A bit
topsy turvey, for those of you familiar with the schedule. I'm on it, I assure you!)
I see the
Wabasha Street Bridge will be closed for the fourth. This makes sense, in that this bridge spans Raspberry Island (which has made an appearance here previously). It is also close to the site of the fireworks. I am not exactly sure where the fireworks are launched, in that I watch them from my back deck, but it's down there somewhere. . .
This sign reminded me of the Fourth, several years ago, when a mother who clearly was given more than she could reasonably handle, threw her 1 year old twins over the side of this very bridge, then jumped herself, yelling, "Freedom!" So sad. Miraculously, one of the boys survived. So did his mother. She is now in prison, of course. Although if memory serves, the Ramsey County Attorney's Office had the good sense to recognize this woman had problems and actual life in prison wasn't the answer. Hopefully, she is getting some mental health assistance. If she was a guy, I'm sure she wouldn't be getting same, but our women's prison has some decent programming.

de Solei has come to town. I caught their act in Vegas with my friend
Anj, who is walking the 3 day in Arizona this year.
Anj also went to see Jersey Boys. I should have gone with her to that. For me, the first 5 minutes of Cirque were really cool. The next 10 moderately amusing. The next hour excruciating. How many times can you watch death defying feats involving the use of ankles and elbows?
Since I altered my route and headed to the East Side of Saint Paul yesterday, I thought I'd document the view into downtown from the Kellogg Blvd. bridge.
I had a client who used to live here. That's right, these are the bushes off 94 at Mounds Blvd. He used to live here in a tent with his two dogs - until the Humane Society took the dogs away because it was too cold for them to sleep outside. I am not making that up. John stayed. He didn't like sleeping in buildings. He also wasn't a fan of showers and smelled, as my office mate at the time put it, "like a dancing bear." Unfortunately, after John's girlfriend left him for a guy over in Swede Hollow (another homeless 'neighborhood' not far from here) he got into a fight with said guy, which resulted in John going to prison. I spent some time yesterday pondering the impact of mental illness. Also wondering if John was out yet. And how he was doing. And thinking about another homeless guy I know, who is currently in San Diego - or at least, was the last time I heard. . .

Far, far away you can see the High Bridge on the left. Then the Wabasha Bridge, the Robert Street Bridge, and 52 in the foreground. After the 35 W bridge fell into the river, the state did an assessment of other bridges in the state. The 52 bridge is one of the top 3 bridges in the state most likely to fall into the river if it doesn't get some much needed repair.
For those of you who might be thinking that a guy who can run a state for 8 years without raising taxes might make a good president, I'd like to gently remind you that taxes are for supporting roads and schools and the like. If you don't have a sufficient tax base, your infrastructure crumbles - right into the river! I'm just saying. . .
Indian burial mounds from 1500 - 2000 years ago. How cool is that? About the time
JC was walking the earth halfway around the planet, an Indian Tribe was creating a place for their dead which is now protected by Minnesota Statute - and it's right in the city of Saint Paul!
I was walking along the road instead of on the path, because the path at that point was particularly isolated in this area. I inadvertently stepped on that wire pictured right by the white line there. Note to self: get a tetanus shot! Note to friends: If I start foaming at the mouth, get me a tetanus shot!
My walk ended with breakfast at Mickey's with Mad and Mr. J. Great morning.
If you'd like to donate to our walk, please go here:
Thank you for your support.