The mighty Mississippi was calm and peaceful yesterday morning. There was no one in sight. Then the oddest thing happened. . .
A lone car came past me on the high bridge, slowed, braked, then pulled over and stopped about 50 feet in front of me. It was me and whomever was in the Bronco on that bridge and no one else in sight. . .
My thoughts immediately went to Butch, whom I knew back when I was interning at the Lino Lakes Correctional Facility in 1987. Butch forced a woman into his van at knife point, drove her to an area sans people, and raped her six ways to Sunday. I debated my options: 1. cross to the other side of the bridge; 2. run like hell back up the high bridge; 3. do nothing. As I am deliberating, a woman in her 60's got out of the driver's side. She had on a beret, a loose jacket, and a long skirt. I, on the other hand, was wearing my black running skirt, a tank top, and my AAFS backpack, which held my water bottles, camera, and phone.
"I'm headed out of town," she said. "Do you need a lift?"
I resisted the urge to lecture her on the dangers of inviting strangers into her vehicle. For all she knew, I was a serial killer. . . I spent the next 4 miles ruminating over the encounter. The short version is that I concluded my job has made me twisted when it comes to interacting with strangers.
You may call me Monet. I didn't intend this effect - I was trying to take a picture of the falls by the Ford Plant. Of course, while I was preparing to take this shot, a guy pulled in to the parking lot. Again, (although it was 8 miles and 2 hours later) it was just him and me. If he chose to violate the social contract and attempt to force me into his car, there would be no witnesses. . . Guess I was in a hurry. I snapped the shot and took off!

At 16.78 miles, I came to this sign at the Farmer's Market. Whooo hooooo!!! A Romocky cheddar brat is a fine reward for a walk well walked.
Today, I am set to do 13 miles. However, an impromptu visit to Taste of Minnesota added 2 miles yesterday, so I'm calling it at 11.
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